

We sent rockets to the Moon,
we send rockets to Mars,
we'll send rockets to the Sun.
Trying to find something.
Something we don't have
here in the Earth
under our boots.
We search for someone,
with a different skin color,
no hair on the head,
three eyes and one foot.
Someone who speaks a language to be understood.
Without realising that
he's the guy of the next door
we meet everyday at the elevator
on the third floor.


Me gusta cocinar
como mi madre lo hacía.
oyendo el borbotear de la cazuela.
Probar la sopa,
echar una pizca de sal,
y volverla a tapar.
Así durante horas mientras leo un libro,
o escribo poemas,
como ella hacía punto,
o jugaba a los solitarios.
Hasta que el aroma
que llena la cocina
me dice que es tiempo
de sacar la cazuela del fuego
y quemarse la lengua
al volverla a probar.
Pensar entonces en otra receta,
y volver a empezar.
Probar, sal y tapar.



Every Sunday morning
we have breakfast in bed.
Some croissants, orange juice
and a "café".
Some of the days you wake up
and get it prepared
before I open my eyes,
yawn and stretch.
Other days I try to make it myself,
although I forget the orange juice,
spill the coffe,
and get the croissant burnt.
But you still love me these Sundays
and all the other weekdays.